Thursday, August 19, 2010


Fast as in, "not eat for a while", not as in "speed" like last night's dinner. Yes, in stark contrast to yesterday's gobble-fest, Mae refused dinner today.

It's so unlike her that I whip out the thermometre, and sure enough, she's running 38. Hardly time to call out the doc, but explanation enough for the afternoon's whingeing and a steadfast refusal of my best sweet potato, free range poached chicken and, randomly, bread with cream cheese (for the fat and carbs portion of her din dins) that I lay before her.

Instead, it's time for the four b's: breastfeed, bath, breastfeed, bed. Followed by a beer for me, that makes five. Let's hope it's not the Return of the Ear Infection.

She's been sleeping soundly for a couple of hours now so here's hoping a good night's sleep will knock whatever it is on the head. And if she's better tomorrow, I promise no more pasta bows for at least a week!

1 comment:

  1. I just read your entire site. It's fantastic? I love it. I have never committed entirely to BLW but have been giving my 9 month old lots of finger foods since about 6 months. I completely understand your excitement about the first time you could have lunch together. I love being able to have a lot of our meals together now. The best foods have been rockmelon (with skin on the bottom), banana, toast with all kinds of toppings and roasted chunks of vegies. Most recently cauliflower balls (like fritters but shaped into balls that fit into his hand perfectly and great for mum and dads dinner as well) have been a winner. You have provided with many more ideas. Thanks!
