Sunday, June 13, 2010

Breakfast fast

Mae isn't loving brekkie. I've given her bits of steamed pear and apple, Weetbix (a whole one, soaked in just enough milk so that it's not crunchy but still sort of stays together) and fingers of toast with avocado or cream cheese but she tends to just play with it rather than eat much. I think it's because she has such an enormous milk feed at 7, then by 7.30 I'm trying to proffer baked goods. I wouldn't be hungry either.

Solid foods, finger food or otherwise, sure are hard to time along with all the other things a baby needs of a day. Mae goes down for a nap by 9am, so if I leave brekkie till, say, 8.30, she'll be hard to wind down for her nap (cos this eating bizzo requires much concentration when you're 7 months old and the result can sometimes be a somewhat overstimulated little pumpkin). Anyway, I've compromised on 8am and we had a bit more success this morning.

In fact, this is kind of the routine we're in for anyone interested in comparing how to fit this food malarky around other things:

7am - milk feed
8am - brekkie
9am - 40 min nap
11 am - milk feed
11.45 am - lunch
12.15pm - 40 min nap
2.45pm - milk feed
3pm - 40 min nap
5pm dinner
6.30pm milk feed
7pm bed

It's not exactly Tizzie Hall or Gina Ford, but it kinda works for us at the moment! But looking at that now, I can see why she eats most at dinner - cos it's been a good while since she was last breastfed. Hmmm - need to do some research on what I should be offering first at this stage - milk or solids? According to the book, still milk, so I'll continue with that for a bit yet I think.

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